Welcome!! You can see some of my artwork, drawing, painting here. Please feel free to leave your comments.

November 30, 2008



November 16, 2008




November 15, 2008



最近發現 Concept Art forum 有個叫 sketch book 的很有用,有很多大師的 sketch,精彩!!

November 13, 2008

Speed painting

WARNING: Artistic Nude Content


November 09, 2008





July 07, 2008

Figure drawing

WARNING: Artistic Nude Content

In past few weeks, I practice my human anatomy knowledges. This is the road to be hardcore painter!! And then I've made this drawing. The face is inspired by a lovely girl I saw yesterday^^

May 25, 2008

Trap Beauty

I've finally upgraded by Photoshop from 7.0 to CS3. This is a big upgrade. Obviously, CS is much much better in usage. As to give it a try, I paint this cg in CS instead of Painter which I used to. The feeling is pretty good. And the lovely brush hardness setting did help so much. Great!

For this cg, she is not human, she some kind of rare species. She is now being trapped. Hope that someone could save her..

April 20, 2008

Standing at the Wind

This one is painted in Painter, and final touch up in Photoshop. I've paid great attention while painting the skin, and picking the color for the skin tone. And I've also try a new method to do the eyes. It's important to bring soul for the character.

Meanwhile, during the period of making this paint, I'm glad to know that there is CG competition in Singapore in June. So, I planned to submit this work. However, I think that I could do better, maybe I should make another paint for the submission..

Eyes close-up:

April 05, 2008



This drawing actually start earlier than my previous post. However, I'm not satisfied at the middle stage and on hold for a while. And now, I've returned on it by toning the color in Photoshop first. I'm just getting a more healthy skin tone for her. Then I feel that I could finish it up. And so, this is.


April 04, 2008

A quick drawing

This is quite a quick drawing in my speed. I usually make a picture with long time. But this drawing just used a bit short of time compare with my other drawings. However, I found that the feeling is quite well, and I love to paint easily.

January 27, 2008

CG "音响舞動"

OK. It's done!! I made a kind of graphic-design-like background with some curve line flow and rainbow, to express the music feeling.

So, that's the first finished CG in my blog. Hope you like it!! Enjoy~

(click to enlarge)

CG "音响舞動" Work Flow 04

Then I do the color of the headset. It work quite good. Given it some metal-look. The whole painting process is down to detail. More detail will make the char more concreted.

And I found that the skin tone is a bit boring. So I added a new layer in multiple to create a shadow with other hue. I love to see it look like a real skin!!

And then the MP3 in her hand is done. The cable is done by pen tool in Photoshop. So the work is almost done~~

CG "音响舞動" Work Flow 03

I'm not quite satisfied with the originally designed color. So I've changed most of them. And added more shadow among the skin, cloth, hair... I've also added a background to help define the overall tone better.

The hair shading have changed a few times. Finally I used a more realistic style for the hair to match the other parts better.

And then continue shading...

January 21, 2008

CG "音响舞動" Work Flow 02

這是在photoship中把不同的部份分成不同的圖層layers (eg. 皮膚、頭髮、上衣...),並填上基本的固有色,再定出最基本的光暗。之後便是漫長的上色作業了...

January 18, 2008

CG "音响舞動" Work Flow 01


既然是舞動,最好當然有音樂吧!吾覺得headset跟這女孩正好配合,但是剛開始畫的headset實在太簡陋了,所以到了弄outline的時候便把這part重畫,感覺比較好了~ (左:完成了outline階段的圖)



  • 草稿:

January 17, 2008

A cg tutorial from CGSociety

I have not visited CGSociety for sometimes. So I’ve missed this artical and just saw it yesterday. Details as below,

CGSociety :: Tutorial
24 October 2007, by Marta Dahlig
Marta Dahlig takes us through the creation of the EXOTIQUE 3 cover image.
Marta Dahlig’s gorgeous ‘Umbrella Sky’ image was unanimously chosen for the cover of Ballistic Publishing’s EXOTIQUE 3, and after submitting, Marta continued to improve on perfection. Here, she takes us through her process of building on a dream.

It is a cg tutorial by Marta, who is really skillful with computer graphic. The painter shared the brushes used in Photoshop. Seems that no need to use so many brushes already can do a dramatic texture.
After reading it, I indeed want to make a blog to write something about CG, and also share some of my works. This is the birth of this blog!